Insurance Fraud in Canada




(253) 846-1155


Course Description:  The insurance industry is one of the biggest markets in Canada. This fact, unfortunately, makes it a target for criminal activity. When someone commits insurance fraud, we all pay through higher premiums, law enforcement expenses, court costs, and a loss of trust in the insurance industry— but why do criminals commit fraud? What are some common areas of insurance fraud, including common fraud schemes? How can you protect yourself and your business from becoming a victim of insurance fraud? These are the questions that will be considered throughout this course.

Learning Objectives: By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

·        Explain the cost of insurance fraud on the Canadian economy.

·        Define the two main types of insurance fraud and describe common fraud schemes.

·        Relate real-life examples of insurance fraud and understand the rationale behind their actions.

·        Apply course information to enhance detection and prevention of insurance fraud in your personal and business life.

Course Schedule



Section 1

An Introduction to Insurance Fraud

Section 2

A Closer Look at Insurance Fraud

Section 3

Understanding Fraudsters & Insurance Fraud

Section 4

Fraud Detection – How to Fight Against Insurance Fraud

Section 5

Practical Help – Ways to Protect Yourself from Fraud


Insurance Fraud



Additional Information
