Women’s Insurance & Retirement
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Women and Financial Myths |
1 |
Improving One’s Immediate Financial Position |
3 |
Obtaining a Better Paying Job |
5 |
The Possibility of Divorce |
5 |
Getting Ready for Retirement and Old Age |
6 |
Chapter 2: Widowhood |
8 |
When Husbands Die |
8 |
Receiving Life Insurance Proceeds |
8 |
Entering Probate |
10 |
Chart: Confidential Inventory of Assets |
11 |
Published Notices |
12 |
Which Bills Should be Paid? |
12 |
Utilizing All Possible Incomes |
12 |
Chapter 3: Living Single |
14 |
Single by Choice |
14 |
The Widow |
15 |
Income Categories |
16 |
Domestic Partners |
18 |
The Divorcee |
19 |
Prior to Facing Divorce |
20 |
Separation Agreements |
21 |
Deciding What is Equitable |
22 |
Chapter 4: Marriage & Finances |
24 |
Antenuptial Agreements |
27 |
United by Love; Separated by Finances |
29 |
Marriage Creates an Insurance Need |
29 |
Sharing Ownership |
30 |
Chapter 5: Financial Control |
32 |
Goals |
33 |
Questions to establish goals |
35 |
Achieving Privacy: Why is it Necessary? |
37 |
Chapter 6: Insurance and Debt |
40 |
Binding Coverage |
41 |
Establishing Net Worth |
44 |
Equal Credit Opportunity Act |
46 |
Chapter 7: Retirement Investing |
50 |
Life Expectancies |
50 |
Longevity Determination Affect Money Strategies |
51 |
Inflation: The Silent Robber |
53 |
The First Step to Investing: Adequate Life Insurance |
54 |
Protecting Income through Disability Insurance |
55 |
Establishing a Savings Account |
56 |
Home Ownership |
56 |
Investing Disposable Income |
57 |
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) |
58 |
401(k) Plans |
61 |
Annuities |
61 |
Annuity Types |
62 |
Annuity Withdrawals |
64 |
A Payment of Money |
65 |
Finding the best annuity products |
67 |
Annuity Subcategories |
70 |
Payout Options Available |
70 |
Single Premium Whole Life Products (SPWL) |
72 |
Single Premium Variable Life Policies |
74 |
Investing at Older Ages |
74 |
Investment Advisers |
75 |
Chapter 8: Women’s Retirement Issues |
77 |
Why women end up alone in retirement |
77 |
Social Security |
78 |
Chapter 9: Combining Insurance with Other Tools |
85 |
Life insurance is issued for several reasons |
85 |
What happens when there is no valid will |
86 |
Key Person Insurance |
90 |
Insuring Losses |
91 |
Utilizing a Will |
92 |
Living Trusts: “Private Wills” |
93 |
Who Should Set Up a Living Trust? |
97 |
Choosing Beneficiaries Wisely |
99 |
Guns |
99 |
Pets |
100 |
Holding Property Jointly |
100 |
Community Property |
101 |
For Single Women |
101 |
Chapter 10: Selecting Insurance Coverage |
103 |
Disability Insurance |
104 |
Types of Disability Policies |
105 |
Disability Policy Features |
105 |
How Much Disability Protection is Needed? |
107 |
Life Insurance |
107 |
Who Needs Life Insurance? |
108 |
Determining Needs |
109 |
What Kind of Life Insurance Should a Woman Buy? |
111 |
Employee Life Insurance |
111 |
Teacher’s Life Insurance |
112 |
Term Insurance |
112 |
Ordinary or Traditional Whole Life Insurance |
115 |
Variable Life Insurance |
118 |
Prospectus |
118 |
Limited Payment Life |
120 |
Endowment Insurance |
120 |
Universal Life Policies |
120 |
Insurance Riders |
121 |
Grace Periods & Reinstatement |
121 |
Incontestability / Suicide |
122 |
Policy Ownership |
122 |
Finding the Right Company to Represent |
123 |
Changing Life Insurance Policies |
123 |
Life Insurance as an Investment |
125 |
Health Insurance: A New Era |
125 |
Changes Continue |
127 |
Changes in the Law Affect Health Care |
129 |
Adverse Selection |
129 |
Dealing with the Results |
132 |
Chapter 11: Selecting Property & Casualty Insurance |
133 |
Auto Insurance |
133 |
Liability |
134 |
Medical Insurance |
135 |
Collision Benefits |
135 |
Comprehensive |
136 |
Uninsured Motorist |
136 |
Wage Loss & Substitute Services |
136 |
Setting Insurance Rates |
136 |
No-Fault Insurance |
138 |
Renter’s Insurance |
138 |
Homeowner’s Insurance |
139 |
Basic, Broad, and Comprehensive Forms |
140 |
Personal Property |
142 |
Liability Insurance |
143 |
United Insurance Educators, Inc.
(253) 846-1155
Email: mail@uiece.com