First Name: |
Middle Name: |
Last Name: |
Company Name (if applicable): |
Address: |
Address Line 2: |
City: |
State: |
Postal Code: |
Is Address a Home or Business?: |
Daytime Phone (numbers only, include area code!): |
Fax (numbers only, include area code!): |
Email: |
Username (You will login with this. Case-sensitive.): |
Password (Case-sensitive.): |
Show Password
Social Security Number (numbers only, no dashes): |
Insurance License Number (CIPR Number): |
Reenter Your Insurance License Number (CIPR Number): |
If your state requires a roster and you type your license number in wrong, there will be a resubmit fee of $5 levied at the time of the second roster submission. Thank you. |
National Producer Number:
Click here for information |
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Send me occasional e-mail updates about new CE requirement and special offers from United Insurance Educators, Inc. |
License Line: |
If you have a professional designation, please enter it: |
Due Date (We will send you a reminder 60 days in advance.) (MM/DD/YYYY)