PARTICIPANTS (Approved Persons)

All Participants must complete the required number of credits in each CE cycle.  Each cycle will be 2 years in length, starting December 1 of each odd numbered year. This aligns with the CSF’s continuing education cycle.

Participants registered as Dealing Representatives must take 30 credits total in each cycle, which is comprised of:

  • 8 Business Conduct (BC) Credits. A minimum of 1 and maximum of 2 of these Business Conduct Credits must relate to ethics. A single Business Conduct Credit consists of 1 hour of training in educational material that promotes, directs and guides ethical and compliant conduct. It includes education regarding ethical issues, MFDA Rules and Policies, other applicable legislation, and Member’s policies and procedures for complying with regulatory requirements. This would include topics such as conflicts of interest, Know-Your-Client standard and suitability, and complaint handling.
  • 20 Professional Development (PD) Credits. A single Professional Development Credit consists of 1 hour of training in educational material that maintains or enhances an advisor’s financial knowledge or proficiency.  This would include topics such as products, financial planning, and investment strategies and asset allocation.
  • 2 MFDA Compliance (MC) Credits. These must be obtained by completing continuing education activities specifically created and designated by the MFDA for the purposes of MFDA Compliance Credits.

Those Participants who are not Dealing Representatives, but are registered or designated as Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs), Ultimate Designated Persons (UDPs), Branch Managers (BMs), Alternate CCOs or Alternate BMs are required to take 10 credits total in each cycle: 8 Business Conduct credits (1 to 2 in ethics) and 2 MFDA Compliance credits.


Q: Who has to comply with CE Requirements?

A: Every Approved Person with a Mutual Fund Dealer (MFD) whether they are registered as a Dealing Representative, Chief Compliance Officer, or Ultimate Designated Person under Canadian securities legislation; or designated by the Member as a Branch Manager or Alternate Branch Manager, or Alternate Chief Compliance Officer for an MFD Member, has to comply with CE Requirements. For the purposes of the CE Requirements, all such individuals are referred to as “Participants”.

Individuals who are only registered in the province of Québec do not have these CE Requirements.

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