
Ontario Requirements

RIBO Continuing Education:


Principal Brokers and Deputy Principal Brokers:

  • 10 hours of continuing education credits every year between October 1st and September 30th subject to the following conditions: minimum of 1 hour Ethics, 5 hours Management, and Personal Skills category courses cannot be applied. The remaining hours may be in the Management or Technical categories. A carryover of a maximum of 10 hours (or one term’s requirements) is permitted however the minimum category requirements must be maintained.

All other licensed individuals:

  • 8 hours of continuing education credits every year between October 1st and September 30th subject to the following conditions: minimum of 1 hour Ethics, 3 hours Technical, and a maximum of 2 hours Personal Skills may be applied. A carryover of a maximum of 8 hours (or one term’s requirements) is permitted however the minimum category requirements must be maintained.

Newly licensed individuals:

  • The continuing education program of 8 hours every year between October 1st and September 30th will begin the first October following registration. Individuals are only exempted for the remainder of the license year that they were registered.

REPEATING COURSES:  A minimum of three (3) years must pass before repeat sessions can be counted towards the continuing education requirements again.


Do not send the continuing education certificates to RIBO.  Each individual is responsible for their continuing education hours and certificates as the continuing education program is self-regulatory.  It is recommended that each individual maintain a Continuing Education Record Sheet and folder to place the certificates received from seminar providers.  There will be a question on the annual renewal form to declare compliance with the Continuing Education Program.  For spot check purposes, continuing education certificates should be kept for 5 years to indicate compliance with the Continuing Education Program.  The Principal Broker will be responsible for ensuring that licensed individuals comply with RIBO requirements.

Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) formerly FSCO:

All life insurance agents are required to complete 30 hours of CE every two years.

Hours of CE taken beyond the minimum requirement within any period of time may not be used to meet the CE requirement for subsequent periods.  These hours represent the time that a person actually spends attending a course or program.  In the case of  correspondence programs, the time that will be recognized as meeting the CE requirement is number of hours that the course provider indicates, beforehand, that the course or program would take to complete.  Time spent  in self-study of life insurance, such as reading newspapers, trade journals or discussion with colleagues, does not qualify.

Acceptable courses, programs and providers

The OIC does not approve, recommend, or endorse specific courses, programs, or providers. 

CE can be acquired in a number of ways.

  • Insurance companies provide seminars and educational programs for agents.
  • Associations such as the Life Underwriters Association of Canada (LUAC) and the Life Office Management Association (LOMA) sponsor courses and hold conferences.
  • Universities and community colleges include courses for agents in their offerings.
  • Professional insurance course providers organize professional development programs for agents.   
  • "Distance education" schools offer correspondence courses in life insurance.


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